Dilli Grey - Best Ethical Brand award winners at the Good Web Guide Awards 2019

 Last night we attended The Good Web Guide Awards in Mayfair as we were shortlisted in the 'Best Ethical' Brand category.... and we only went and won!

The team and I took the night off packing orders, writing content, answering customer emails and managing the 1,001 jobs that you have to juggle as a small business to get dressed up and celebrate what we have achieved in 3 short years.


The fact that we won best 'ethical' brand, above and beyond categories for fashion or design, means the world to me. To have the passion and essence behind all that we do at Dilli Grey recognised shows that we have proved you can create beautiful products, thoughtfully, kindly and ethically.

In their 10th year, what I love about the Good Web Guide Awards is the fact that they take the time to celebrate 'excellence online'. The World Wide Web can feel like an anonymous, lonely place sometimes as a brand owner - but sharing stories and experiences with a room packed with other founders last night of brilliant, thriving online brands brought it all to life. There are real people, families, small teams and dreams behind all those web pages we browse and shop on - including this one.

Thank you so much for your encouragement, support and love,

from Vickie and The Dilli Grey Team x

P.s. I think this will be my face for the forseeable - we won an award!

1 comment

  • Heather

    Congratulations 🥳
    I hope you have many years of continued success
    Love and hugs 🤗 x

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